Metro Detroit deep freeze: How rescuers are saving dogs from the cold

On Tuesday, the Detroit Dog Rescue showed up to a home where a German Shepard puppy was kept inside with their parents left outside in the cold. It felt like -10 degrees, although the temperature was just 3 degrees.

DETROIT (FOX 2):In Metro Detroit, the chilly weather keeps creating hazardous outdoor conditions. Dog rescue groups, meanwhile, are making the rounds in an effort to save canines that might be abandoned outside in the bitter cold.

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On Tuesday, the Detroit Dog Rescue showed up to a home where a German Shepard puppy was kept inside with their parents left outside in the cold. It felt like -10 degrees, although the temperature was just 3 degrees.

DDR received a call on their tipline the previous day. They discovered a dead dog and its buddy, who refused to leave his side, when they arrived on the scene in Detroit.

DDR’s Kristina Rinaldi stated, “We are just finding one dead dog after another.” “A gorgeous shepherd with enormous weight and muscular mass was picked up by us; his paws were as large as my palm, but he was frozen solid. He stopped dead in his tracks, laid down, and died.”

Crews would have to pry frozen dogs into their cages if they weren’t dead.

“Their paws and their noses and their ears. Everything is freezing, whether it’s a shepherd or even a husky, it’s too cold,” said Rinaldi.

The initial appointment went well. The dogs are inside for now, and Rinaldi and the crew will be back for a more permanent solution. At the next stop in Southwest Detroit, one by one, four dogs come out of their rickety plywood dog houses.

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No straw, water, or food was visible.

Rinaldi gets Detroit Animal Control on the scene, and they make contact with the owner, who brings them inside, but she’s given no citations despite visible violations.

It’s a temporary fix, but it doesn’t end there.

If you have any information on a dog being left out in the cold, you can call 313-458-8014 and leave a message of the exact location.

You can call anonymously.

The Source:FOX 2 rode along with the Detroit Dog Rescue while on patrol.

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