Faked Death Exposed! Arizona Man Arrested for Evading Sex Offender Registry

Faked Death Exposed! Arizona Man Arrested for Evading Sex Offender Registry

Benjamin Hollins was arrested while he was living in Arizona with a family that included children who were still small.

An alleged sexual offender who had been assumed dead has been discovered alive in Arizona with a new family. According to the allegations, Benjamin Hollins fabricated his death to avoid being included on the sex offender registry.

It was determined that Hollins had passed away after a woman asserted that he had committed suicide by jumping off the Theodore Roosevelt Bridge in October of 2023. It was presumed by the authorities that the man had attempted suicide, even though his body was never discovered. An additional disclosure, on the other hand, revealed that the occurrence was a hoax.

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Nevertheless, Hollins was taken into custody by the authorities on May 14 in Arizona, as reported by People International. They discovered that the man, who was fifty years old, had paid the woman a bribe to provide a false report to the police to get them off his track. It was determined by the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office that his plan was an inefficient use of county resources.

“At this point, a significant amount of resources have been squandered in the search for his body, which was not discovered because he was not dead,” revealed Sheriff Mark Lamb.

Benjamin was commended for his effort by the sheriff. Despite appearances, you are still alive. You will be held responsible for your actions.

In the state of California, Hollins was classified as a sexual offender more than twenty years ago. The year 2018 marked his move to Arizona, where he found employment as a behavioral health counselor even though he was not registered in the state. On the other hand, Hollins made an effort to commit another sexual offense with a patient who was 16 years old. In addition to being placed on probation, he was also required to register as a sex register on an annual basis.

When Hollins determined that his fabricated death had been successful, he went back to Arizona to live with a family that contained children of a different age. Nevertheless, the authorities were able to locate him in the residence located in Mesa, Arizona, as a result of further research into the true condition of his whereabouts. In addition, the family was taken aback when they discovered his true history and the plan that he had devised to avoid being included on the registry.

While incarcerated, Hollins is facing various accusations, including failing to confirm identity as a sexual offender and failure to provide a change of name and address as a sexual offender. These charges are intended to be brought against him. May 21 is the date of his subsequent trial.

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