Adams Town Meeting Residents to Decide on Nearly $10 Million Budget

Adams Town Meeting: Residents to Decide on Nearly $10 Million Budget

DEBARYLIFE – Adams, Massachusetts, a village in Northern Berkshire County, will conduct its yearly town meeting on Monday.

The over $9.8 million operating budget, the $1.2 million sewer enterprise fund, and the $6.3 million budget for the Hoosac Valley Regional School District are among the warrant articles that the public will be considering.

The Mullin Rule, which would permit town officials to vote on matters involving public hearings even if they haven’t attended a previous session of the procedure, is requested to be adopted by the community of about 8,000 people in Article 27.

Adams Town Meeting Residents to Decide on Nearly $10 Million Budget (1)

Currently, if a member of one of Adams’ boards or committees has missed even one meeting, they are not permitted to vote on such issues.

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The approval of easements for culvert and bridge rehabilitation projects, the revision of dog leash ordinances, and the use of $250,000 in free cash reserves to reduce the tax rate are among the other things.

The conference starts at six o’clock at the Adams Memorial Building. The entire warrant is available here.

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