Alabama Implements Ban On Cultured Meat Sales, Following Florida's Example

Alabama Implements Ban On Cultured Meat Sales, Following Florida’s Example

DEBARYLIFE – The state of Alabama has become the second in the country to outlaw the selling of cultured beef.

Governor Kay Ivey signed SB 23 into law this week, which means that as of October 1, manufacturing, selling, or distributing food items made from cultivated animal cells is a Class C misdemeanor.

The measure states that food sales establishments that violate its rules could face civil fines ranging from $100 for a Class 2 violation to $10,000 for a Class 5 violation.

Alabama Implements Ban On Cultured Meat Sales, Following Florida's Example (1)

According to Feedstuffs, the law doesn’t stop any federal institution of higher learning in Alabama from researching the production of cultivated food products, nor does it stop anyone working with a government agency or higher education institution from doing so.

SEE MORE – Alabama Takes Stand Against Lab-Grown Meat, Following Florida In Outlawing Alternative Proteins

Alabama’s prohibition is in line with the ruling made earlier this month in Florida.

Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida says his state would produce more meat and urge people to eat just 100% pure beef.

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