Biden's $50 Million Blitz: Reminding Voters of Trump's Felony Conviction

Biden’s $50 Million Blitz: Reminding Voters of Trump’s Felony Conviction

President Joe Biden is taking significant steps to leverage former President Donald Trump’s legal troubles as a pivotal point in his re-election campaign.

With a $50 million budget allocated for an advertising blitz, Biden aims to highlight Trump’s felony convictions and paint a stark contrast between his own administration and Trump’s.

Biden’s Strategic Media Blitz

The Biden campaign announced a hefty $50 million expenditure for an aggressive media campaign that will run through June. This period is crucial as it precedes the first presidential debate between Biden and Trump on June 27. The campaign’s primary weapon is a biting 30-second TV ad titled “Character Matters.”

According to the source, this ad focuses on Trump’s legal entanglements, including 34 felony convictions from the Manhattan hush-money case, his liability in a sexual assault case, and a New York judge’s ruling of financial fraud against him.

A Contrast in Character

The “Character Matters” ad aims to draw a sharp contrast between the two candidates. While Trump’s legal troubles are at the forefront, the ad also highlights Biden’s efforts to lower healthcare costs and hold big corporations accountable.

“This election is between a convicted criminal who’s only out for himself and a president who’s fighting for your family,” the ad states, setting a clear dichotomy between the two political figures.

Campaign Communications

Michael Tyler, the Biden campaign’s communications director, emphasized Trump’s continuous legal and moral failures.

Tyler stated, “Trump approaches the first debate as a convicted felon who continues to prove that he will do anything and harm anyone if it means more power and vengeance for Donald Trump.”

He further criticized Trump for encouraging the violent mob that stormed the Capitol on January 6, accusing him of prioritizing personal gain over public service.

Trump’s Response

In response, Trump and his campaign have labeled his legal issues as political persecution, alleging without evidence that Biden has orchestrated a conspiracy to derail Trump’s campaign.

Trump asserts that his legal battles, which have all occurred in state-run courts, are a deliberate attempt to influence the upcoming election.

Targeted Outreach

The Biden campaign’s media strategy isn’t limited to the general population. There’s also a significant focus on minority voters, with a seven-figure investment targeting Black, Latino, and Asian American communities.

Separate ads are tailored to address specific concerns of these groups: the importance of the Affordable Care Act for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander voters, Biden’s stance against corporate greed for Spanish speakers, and his positive impact on Black communities.

Biden’s Minority Voter Challenge

Despite these efforts, Biden has been struggling to secure support among minority voters in recent polls. His campaign is actively working to reverse trends showing Trump with a slight but persistent lead nationally and in several key swing states.

Biden’s softer numbers in traditionally Democratic-leaning states like Virginia add to the urgency of his campaign’s outreach efforts.

Polling and Approval Ratings

Recent polling indicates a virtual tie between Biden and Trump in Virginia, a state Biden won by double digits in 2020. However, many political analysts believe Virginia voters will ultimately back Biden in the fall.

Meanwhile, Biden’s approval ratings have hit record lows, largely due to criticism from progressive voters over his handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Additionally, despite strong job numbers and a consistently low unemployment rate since January 2022, Biden continues to face challenges regarding voter perceptions of his economic performance.


As the election heats up, Biden is betting on a well-funded media blitz to remind voters of Trump’s felony convictions and to position himself as a president who prioritizes the needs of American families.

This strategic move underscores the high stakes of the upcoming election and the contrasting paths the two candidates represent for the country’s future.

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