Big Breaking News! FBI Alerts Michigan Residents To Toll Fee Text Message Scam

Big Breaking News! FBI Alerts Michigan Residents To Toll Fee Text Message Scam

DEBARYLIFE – In Michigan, we don’t have any Toll Roads, freeways, or expressways that cross state lines, so this isn’t as big of a concern. On the other hand, we are familiar with the operation of the system because toll roads exist in every state that borders us and even in Canada.

Although we are fortunate enough not to need to purchase a toll pass, we are reminded of the high cost of those tolls and how convenient/less expensive a toll pass may be.

Since each state manages its toll collection system to help fund road upkeep, toll passes differ from state to state. You can pass through tolls using a toll pass without having to stop and pay right away. You can pay for the tolls later at what I think is a discounted rate, but don’t quote me on that.

The FBI is alerting everyone to disregard these scam communications, regardless of whether you use a toll pass, cruise through, and have to pay online or stop to pay at the appropriate time.

Big Breaking News! FBI Alerts Michigan Residents To Toll Fee Text Message Scam (1)

Our nation is being overtaken by scams left and right; it seems like a new fraud exposes us all to risk every day. The majority of scams occur via phone calls or emails, but con artists are starting to get more creative and inventive to increase their chances of success. Their most recent tactic is attacking victims of all ages via SMS messaging.

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Residents in Michigan and across the nation are being cautioned by the FBI to be cautious about which text messages they open and click on. A recent fraud claims that people owe toll fees and must click on the following link to pay the debt. The scam targets people via text message. They are attempting to address the more than 2,000 complaints they have already received regarding this matter.

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They advise you to call your banking institution right away if you have already clicked on a link in a text message and to delete any messages you get right away and report them to your toll pass system.

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