Domestic violence situation ends with shooter dead in Farmington

At least one person was killed in Farmington on Sunday night as a result of domestic abuse. Officers were summoned to a domestic problem in the 22900 block of Warner Street, according to Farmington Public Safety Director Bob Houhanisin.

(Fox 2) Farmington, MichiganAt least one person was killed in Farmington on Sunday night as a result of domestic abuse.

Officers were summoned to a domestic problem in the 22900 block of Warner Street, according to Farmington Public Safety Director Bob Houhanisin.

The woman had been shot, and her husband had fled inside their home when the police arrived.

As of 8 p.m. on Sunday, Houhanisin claimed to be free of the female victim’s ailment.

Police entered the house after a standoff that lasted several hours and discovered the husband dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

“Officers secured the scene and the SWAT team went inside to confirm there was no other danger,” Houhanisin stated.

According to Houhanisin, the matter took a long time to “progress through” due to worries about the cops’ safety.

“We want to reiterate that the community is safe,” he stated.

According to Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard, the Farmington Public Safety Department received assistance from his personnel.

The shooter’s and victim’s identities were not made public right away.

After a confrontation with police in Farmington on February 2, a woman was hurt and her husband was killed in a domestic violence case. Dave Kinchen took the image for Fox 2.

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