Easter Sunday Shock Trailer of Bibles Set on Fire in Front of Tennessee Church

Easter Sunday Shock: Trailer of Bibles Set on Fire in Front of Tennessee Church

Debarylife – A purposeful fire was started on Easter Sunday in front of a church in a Tennessee hamlet, prompting authorities to launch an investigation.

The trailer fire that was obstructing the Global Vision Church’s entry occurred at an intersection on Sunday morning at around six a.m., to which the Mount Juliet Police Department and Fire Department responded immediately.

A man was seen by the church’s security cameras dumping off the trailer before lighting it on fire, according to a statement made by the pastor, Greg Locke, and shared on Facebook.

“There was a lady that had driven through the night to get to our church, and she was in the parking lot and was able to get the police officers here quickly, but it was quite the scene to wake up to on my first morning back from Israel,” the pastor wrote.

Easter Sunday Shock Trailer of Bibles Set on Fire in Front of Tennessee Church (1)

According to a statement released by the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office, they also think the fire was started on purpose.

The church was able to continue without any Easter services being halted, and hundreds of people used social media to express their support.

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It is alarming how wicked there is. So grateful that there were no injuries or church damages. Someone commented, “May our Lord reach out to the person who did this.”

The next step is up to the gods. Jesus is not dead; he is a living God. Greetings and prayers to the church and that man. Christians in combat, march on! “Said another user.

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The adversary is aware of his limited time and appears to have been awakened. We won’t budge one inch!” I read one comment.

The church may or may not have been the target of the fire, according to the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office.

At this point, further precise information cannot be given to protect the integrity of the ongoing inquiry. Despite this, the sheriff’s office assured the public that more updates would be released when they were suitable.

After the event, authorities said that no injuries had been reported.

Please call the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office at 615-444-1459 if you have any further information or camera footage to share.

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