Encouraging News! CNY's Shootings With Injuries Down By 68% Year-On-Year

Encouraging News! CNY’s Shootings With Injuries Down By 68% Year-On-Year

DEBARYLIFE – Compared with the average for the previous five years from January to April, the number of shooting occurrences resulting in injuries in major New York cities has dropped by approximately 35% as of April 2024.

The decrease is attributed to 94 fewer shootings, 13 fewer gun-related fatalities, and 84 fewer shootings outside of New York City. The state’s Gun Involved Violence Elimination (GIVE) project is where law enforcement agencies that are involved report this information.

The state’s gun violence reduction strategy includes the GIVE initiative, which is a major component. It gives resources to police departments, probation departments, district attorneys’ offices, and sheriff’s offices in 21 counties outside of New York City, which together account for 85% of all violent crimes that happen in the state.

In comparison to the same period previous year, there have been 68% fewer recorded gunshots in Central New York, which has had the fastest reduction in shootings.

Encouraging News! CNY's Shootings With Injuries Down By 68% Year-On-Year (1)

Between January 2024 and April 2024, there have been ten gunshot events in Central New York (CNY) with injuries on average, with a five-year average of 31.

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Through April of 2024, the State Police had seized 802 firearms, more than they had in the entire calendar years of 2018, 551, 528, and 2020 (517).

The State Police had removed 1,226 more weapons and filed 673 extreme danger protection orders as of May 14, 2024.

According to Lieutenant Governor Antonio Delgado, “New York is proof that common sense gun safety measures create safer communities.” “By addressing gun violence, we are improving our state and saving lives.”

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