Hand signal drivers must look out for when a motorcyclist is nearby – act immediately if you spot it

DRIVERS are being urged to look out for certain hand signals from motorcyclists when out on the road.

Basic hand signals, such as those used for left and right turns, as well as stopping, are essential for safety – and everyone should know them.

Most bike riders should know the fundamentals of hand signals, as they ve covered during motorcycle safety courses – such as ones delivered by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation.

However, over the years, many hand signals have become confused with others, or have become misinterpreted.

For example, MSF training materials indicate that the open-palm helmet tap indicates a warning to other riders that there are high-beam headlights ahead.

However, the majority of riders believe the helmet tap indicates the need for caution ahead, and is most often associated with there beinglawenforcement in the vicinity.

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Several common hand signals are suggested when motorcyclists are riding in a group, with groups usually choosing to ride in double file.

In this case, if riders need to ride single file, the group leader will raise their left arm straight up with the index finger extended, and then make the same arm motion with two fingers extended if conditions change.

Each rider following behind should relay the signal down the line, so that everyone gets the message.

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For drivers on the road, it s important to know that when a biker extends their left arm while repeatedly opening and closing their hand with spread fingers, it s an indication to check your turn signal.

If your turn signals are not on for no reason, check behind you for the oblivious rider and pass the message along.

One other common signal that other road users should be aware of is when motorcyclists are warning of dangerous conditions ahead, such as damaged road surfaces or debris.

If the hazard is on the left side, the leaders will point at it with their left hand as they approach it, but if the hazard is on the right, they are typically pointed at with the right leg.

Is it illegal to warn others?

Generally, motorcyclists warning oncoming drivers of speed traps ahead of them won t get in trouble with thepoliceas the practice isn’t illegal.

In essence, it s similar to speed trap warnings onGoogleMaps.

But it s often frowned upon by law enforcement and an officer could pull you over and issue a citation if drivers are caught flashing their high-beam headlights at others, especially between dusk and dawn.

This comes as anew police unit consisting of officers mounted on dirt bikeshas been unveiled and will be in pursuit of scofflaw drivers.

Fontana police will extend its patrol with an off-road enforcement team to crackdown on crime in rural and secluded areas.

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And elsewhere,thousands of drivers run the risk of losing their licenses in the coming dayswith a new rule set to come into force.

However, successfully passing a simple test can significantly contribute to avoiding the crackdown.

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