Horror moment tourist falls to her death in skydive tragedy after slipping out of her harness as she comes in to land
This is the horrifying scene where a tourist loses her skydiving harness just before landing, plunging to her death.
Paulina Biskup, 38, was killed in the Colombian tragedy on Tuesday, leaving her partner and friends in shock.
In the unsettling video, Paulina is seen swinging violently in the air while obviously straining to keep her parachute under control.
She is cruelly tossed around by the winds until the Polish national can no longer stand it.
Paulina twisted into perilous angles, forcing her equipment into a number of strange positions.
She slips out of her harness, which was presumably not securely fastened before she took off, and falls to her death.
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Paulina endures the majority of the traumatic event in the video, but just when it appears that she will land safely, she slips and vanishes into the deep grass.
Shouts can be heard as the obviously distressed victim suffered in her last moments as she hit the ground.
Shortly after the user falls from Paulina’s parachute, it gently slides to the ground.
Paulina was pronounced dead at the site after emergency rescue teams raced to try to save her, according to local media.
However, she had already passed away from the severe injuries she had received.
According to an unidentified official who spoke to local media, she appears to have fallen because she failed to properly attach her harness.
Whether someone else checked her harness before she took off is unknown at this time.
Furthermore, Paulina’s level of paragliding experience is also unknown.
Paulina was not participating in a paragliding competition that was taking place in Roldanillo, west of Bogota.
In reality, she was leaping with her partner and pals, who had to observe while their friend and loved one fumbled with her equipment.
According to social media, Paulina was residing in Dublin, Ireland at the time of her 2010 Trinity College Dublin graduation.
Because of its perfect paragliding conditions, Roldanillo is referred regarded as the paragliding capital of Colombia.
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Due to its favorable air currents and stunning views, the Aguapanela launch site is well-liked.
The accident is still being investigated, according to Roldanillo authorities.