Improved Efficiency Extended Court Hours Program Benefits Judiciary, What Will Be Next!

Improved Efficiency: Extended Court Hours Program Benefits Judiciary, What Will Be Next!

DEBARYLIFE – Judge Juan Fernandez-Barquin, Esq., the Miami-Dade Comptroller and Clerk of the Court, reports favorable outcomes after working longer hours at two locations.

A pilot program extending the hours of operation at two county court locations was started on August 17, 2023, by Miami-Dade Clerk of the Court and Comptroller, Juan Fernandez-Barquin, Esq., to enable working residents to fulfill their court duties without having to take time off from work.

Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. are the extended hours of operation for the two locations, which are South Dade Justice Center (10710 SW 211 St, Cutler Bay, FL 33189) and Joseph Caleb Center (5400 NW 22nd Ave, Miami, FL 33142).

Improved Efficiency Extended Court Hours Program Benefits Judiciary, What Will Be Next! (1)

“It’s amazing to see that this program has been so well-received and utilized by the residents of our community,” Fernandez-Barquin remarked, “because we are now six months into the extended hours pilot program.”

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Eight3,837.02 in payments have been made throughout the last six months at both locations’ extended hours, with 1,945 transactions resulting in the majority of the money being paid for traffic fines.

The prospect of making this permanent is being investigated. Longer hours provide our community with several advantages, including more flexibility for those who work and easier access for everyone in the community who is attending to court requirements.

You might use these additional hours to take care of any financial responsibilities relating to the court. Kindly visit for additional details.

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