Maryland Authorities Capture Sean Wright in Connection with Carjacking and Robbery Cases

Maryland Authorities Capture Sean Wright in Connection with Carjacking and Robbery Cases

DEBARYLIFE – After several instances in the Bethesda region that were reported earlier this week over less than an hour and a half, Sean Charles Wright IV is being charged.

Police say that on Tuesday, June 4, at around 8:02 a.m., members of the Montgomery County Department of Police were called to the 7100 block of Democracy Boulevard about a reported armed carjacking.

Wright is accused of approaching his victim inside a gray Toyota Sienna minivan and entering the passenger seat. Then he opened his shirt, gave the impression that he was carrying a gun, and gave the driver the order to get out of the car.

Then Wright got into the minivan and drove off.

The Rockville Police Department is accused of sending officers to the 100 block of Rollins Avenue at around 9:18 a.m. on the same day, when Wright allegedly entered the store, went behind the counter, and ordered the clerk to open the cash register.

Maryland Authorities Capture Sean Wright in Connection with Carjacking and Robbery Cases (1)

Wright allegedly took the cash off the counter when the clerk refused, according to the police, and drove off in the stolen minivan.

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A report regarding a guy who fit Wright’s description in the stolen minivan was received by a Montgomery County Police officer who was responding to another call in the 11500 block of Rockville Pike a short while later, on Tuesday at approximately 9:25 a.m.

After more research, it was discovered that Wright also allegedly went inside the 7-11 in the 11500 block of Rockville Pike, reached over the counter, attacked a worker, and demanded money from the register before the officer confronted him.

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Wright fled on foot when the police approached him after he saw him getting into the car. After that, everything went smoothly when he was taken to prison.

Following his arrest, Wright was sent to the Montgomery County Central Processing Unit, where he was accused of numerous armed robberies and armed carjacking incidents.

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