Miami-Dade Authorities Arrest Man for Alleged Illegal Voting in Election

Miami-Dade Authorities Arrest Man for Alleged Illegal Voting in Election

DEBARYLIFE – A man who allegedly voted in a Miami-Dade election despite not being a citizen of the United States is being charged with several crimes.

Lazaro Valle-Villar, 74, was charged on Wednesday by the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office with voting as an unqualified voter, making a false statement about voting or elections, providing fake voter registration information, and making a false statement to the Secretary of State.

Despite not being a citizen, the prosecution claims that Valle-Villar registered to vote in Miami-Dade and cast a ballot in the election on November 2, 2021.

Valle-Villar declared he was a citizen of the United States and eligible to vote on his voter registration forms in Florida, according to the prosecution.

According to records, Valle-Villar was placed under bond for $4,000 when he was checked into a Miami-Dade jail on Wednesday. There was no available attorney information.

Miami-Dade Authorities Arrest Man for Alleged Illegal Voting in Election (1)

Records revealed that Born in Cuba, Valle-Villar moved to Florida in 1980 but was deported in 2006 due to six convictions for felonies in Miami-Dade County.

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“Every citizen of the United States has the right to vote,” stated Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle in a statement.

“If Lazaro Valle-Villar had only made the effort, he could have obtained citizenship and used his right to vote. He didn’t, though. I am honored to be collaborating with the Miami-Dade County Supervisor of Elections Office, the Florida Department of State Office of Election Crimes and Security, and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to assist in maintaining the integrity of our electoral process.”

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