MYSTERIOUS MURDER! Pennsylvania Man Arrested in Killing of Pregnant Woman

MYSTERIOUS MURDER! Pennsylvania Man Arrested in Killing of Pregnant Woman

Authorities say the Pennsylvania man accused of killing Rebekah Byler, 23, in her own house in February was well-known in the region for his alleged “odd behavior” and suspicious actions, including a possible late-night argument with Byler’s husband.

Byler, who was six months pregnant at the time of her death, was discovered by her husband Andy Byler, and the family’s driver Julie Warner on February 26, according to a probable cause affidavit seen by PEOPLE. (Amish members do not drive themselves and rely on drivers).

Shawn Cranston, 52, was arrested on March 2 in connection with the homicide in Sparta Township, Pennsylvania, according to PEOPLE, citing a criminal complaint. He was charged with multiple counts, including criminal homicide.

According to the probable cause affidavit released on Saturday, authorities discovered Cranston’s frequent presence in the predominantly Amish neighborhood, as well as his “odd” conduct, after interviewing neighbors and Andy.

According to the affidavit, Andy informed authorities that approximately two weeks before the assassination, he “confronted” a man with Cranston-like features who was supposedly lurking around their apartment late in the evening. Cranston allegedly expressed interest in purchasing the home.

Andy was unable to positively identify this “suspicious person” as Cranston, but at least one neighbor who observed similar conduct from a man with comparable looks later recognized him by his first name, according to the affidavit.

According to the affidavit, about 10 days before the murder, another woman named Rebecca Byler, who lived about a minute’s walk from Rebekah and Andy’s house, spotted a vehicle and a guy with features similar to those described by other neighbors.

According to the affidavit, the man then drove out of the driveway and toward Rebekah and Andy’s home. Authorities previously informed PEOPLE that Cranston is not an Amish person. He was reportedly standing in for his son, who works as a driver for a local family, according to the affidavit.

According to the affidavit, Cranston worked one day for William Byler, who lived nearby and informed police that after Cranston’s job, the man “randomly showed up at their residence.”

According to the affidavit, William expressed “an uneasy feeling” toward him. (It is uncertain whether William or Rebecca are related to Rebekah and Andy.)

According to the complaint, Cranston once arrived at his home and parked in the driveway while dressed all in black and carrying a weapon.

“He was walking around their property looking aimlessly into their fields and his speech made no sense,” according to the statement. Cranston apparently indicated an interest in going to church with them. Katie Byler, William’s estranged wife, and Clara and Chester Wengerd, neighbors, all shared similar thoughts about Cranston as a result of their interactions with him.

Clara was then shown a photograph of Cranston and his vehicle, which had been observed by multiple witnesses. According to the affidavit, she recognized Cranston’s vehicle and identified him by his first name.

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