NEW Vision Michigan City Opens Doors For Downtown Project Proposals

“NEW Vision?” Michigan City Opens Doors For Downtown Project Proposals

Michigan City, Indiana – The next mixed-use development project in Michigan municipal’s downtown center, at Fifth and Pine Streets, is being eyed by municipal officials.

“Requests for Proposal (RFP) are being sought to purchase and develop the city-owned eight acres with a focus on cultivating housing, retail, and vibrant downtown experiences to add a new grocery store,” explained Clarence Hulse, executive director.

On Tuesday, May 14, there is a Developer Pre-Proposal Session when interested developers can visit the site and get more information about the RFP.

NEW Vision Michigan City Opens Doors For Downtown Project Proposals (1)

According to Michigan City Mayor Angie Nelson Deuitch, “the Fifth & Pine site is an important link between the Blue Chip Casino, Hotel & Spa, the Uptown Arts District, Trail Creek, and future waterfront redevelopment,” and the Franklin Street Historic Commercial Corridor.

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“The new 11th Street Station, which offers improved train service, transit-oriented development, tourism, and connectivity to Chicago and the Northwest Indiana Region, is also easily accessible by foot from the redevelopment site.”

In addition to highly skilled development teams, the mayor stated that the city is looking for teams that understand how to clear the path for innovative growth.

“This property is a truly unique opportunity to enhance the resident, visitor, and investor experience,” stated Deuitch. “It leverages the momentum of the recent investment of $450 million in private and public dollars in Michigan City and prime adjacency to downtown’s biggest assets and anchors.”

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