No Life More! Indiana 10-Year-Old Commits Suicide Following Bullying At School, Say Parents

No Life More! Indiana 10-Year-Old Commits Suicide Following Bullying At School, Say Parents

DEBARYLIFE – After experiencing severe bullying at school, a 10-year-old kid from Indiana committed suicide, according to his family and local media.

Fourth-grader Sammy Teusch passed away on May 5th, as FOX 59 initially reported, following verbal and physical abuse at Greenfield Intermediate School in Greenfield, Indiana.

Sam Teusch said, “I just want him to never be forgotten,” to the publication.

Sammy’s family posted on GoFundMe, calling the 10-year-old “the best kid with a wonderful personality.”

He was charming, intelligent, humorous, and extremely sympathetic. He was the life of the “party” and made everyone around him happier, according to the GoFundMe description. “My younger brother didn’t deserve this, I know that. A child so full of brightness and love who left us too soon. I don’t think any of this will ever make sense, but one thing is certain—he deserves a fitting farewell. To achieve just that, my family and I are requesting assistance.”

“A kid with so much love and so much light gone too soon.”

It’s not precisely apparent how Sammy passed away. Along with the Greenfield Police Department, the Greenfield-Central Community School Corporation is looking into Sammy’s death.

“Samuel Teusch passed away tragically, leaving our school district and the greater community in deep sorrow. We are so very sorry for the family during this difficult time “In a statement to FOX 59, the school system said.

“The last 1.5 years, Sammy attended Greenfield-Central as a student. He completed his third grade year at Weston Elementary School in May of 2023, and for the current 2023–2024 academic year, he was a fourth grader at Greenfield Intermediate School.”

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The school district stated that it was notified of Sammy’s passing on Sunday, May 5, and that at the beginning of the week, it sent a crisis response team to Greenfield Intermediate School and Greenfield Central Junior High School, the schools attended by Sammy’s siblings.

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The school district said, “We have been fortunate to have an outpouring of support from our Hancock County school peers and the faith community, who also made themselves available to our students and families,” FOX 59 reported. “We have continued to provide additional mental health professionals in these two schools this week, and we have reminded all G-C families that we have mental health professionals in all eight of our schools to support our students throughout this crisis.”

According to the district, employees at Greenfield-Central have “worked with the Teusch family quite a bit over the last 18 months.”

“Parents and school staff communicated frequently,” the district stated. “We are looking into the parents’ allegations of bullying, and they did state that the death was a suicide. In this case, we are working with the Greenfield Police Department in addition to doing our own investigations.”

Chief Brian Hartman of the Greenfield Police Department warned of “rumors” being shared in the community on May 10th, stating that “some naming children.”

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“I want to reassure our community that we are still looking into this death, just like we do with every death. We are still interviewing potential participants and non-participants. This is how we separate the facts from the rumors,” Hartman stated, adding that many elements of the case cannot be made public due to the involvement of minors.

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“This is the moment for the discussion,” Hartman went on. “Talk about your child’s bullying if you witness it. Give your kids the courage to inform an adult they can trust, such as a parent, teacher, school counselor, or administrator. Keep telling someone if the bullying persists.

Tell someone else if they don’t feel better after chatting with that individual, but please make sure they are advocating for themselves. If it doesn’t work, give the police department a call, and we’ll do all in our power to assist in getting the problem resolved.”

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