NY Union Members Laud Trump Support 'Through the Roof' Following Visit

NY Union Members Laud Trump Support: ‘Through the Roof’ Following Visit

DEBARYLIFE – On Thursday morning, before court proceedings, Trump paid an on-site visitation to construction workers in New York City.

Following an in-person meeting with former President Donald Trump at their construction site, two members of Steamfitters Local 638 declared their support for the 45th president to be “through the roof.”

After meeting Trump that morning, Gary Zuto declared on “The Bottom Line” on Thursday, “We all love him.” “He takes care of the country, the country that we live in, and that’s what we love.”

On the job, I witness it. A colleague of Zuto’s named Ronald Dioguard said, “Everyone has Trump stickers on their hard hats.” They simply view him as their country’s passionate president. His level of concern for the nation is indisputable. No question at all exists.”

As Trump visited the building site in New York City, the crowd chanted “Four more years” in appreciation for their support during his trial.

Zuto, Dioguard, and hundreds of other union workers arrived at the former president’s caravan to sign autographs and take selfies.

NY Union Members Laud Trump Support 'Through the Roof' Following Visit (1)

Before making an appearance in Manhattan court and attending a significant U.S. Supreme Court session on presidential immunity in Washington, D.C., Trump told reporters he was grateful for the “amazing show of affection” that had occurred.

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For a very long time, I’ve been waiting for this,” Dioguard remarked. “I was thrilled, couldn’t even sleep last night knowing that he was coming.”

“I thought it was a good look for him,” Dioguard went on to say, “because I know Joe Biden can’t do that, just show up to a job site.”

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Zuto remarked, “There isn’t an ice cream shop close by.”

Regarding Trump’s energy and economic initiatives, both union workers expressed support. However, the influx of undocumented immigrants into the Big Apple is the most important issue for them.

These men are the ones that are working for $10 per hour. Nothing is being added to the system by them, according to Zuto.

“Paying exorbitant gas prices is getting old to many. The cuisine has skyrocketed. He said, “People can’t afford to buy a house because of the high-interest rates.” “People are sick of it and it’s going all across the board.”

Putting Trump’s “put America first” mantra to heart, the union members anticipated that two-thirds of their coworkers would vote for him in November.

“Mr. Trump asked me, he said, ‘Do you think I got a shot in New York?’” Dioguard said to himself. “I said, ‘Absolutely.’”

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