One 'BIG' Death Case - Gunfight at Cincinnati-area Grocery Store Wounds Suspect and Bystander

One ‘BIG’ Death Case – Gunfight at Cincinnati-area Grocery Store Wounds Suspect and Bystander

DEBARYLIFE – Police reported that during a gunfight with them, a bystander and an armed suspect were shot and hurt inside a grocery shop close to Cincinnati.

Chief of Colerain Township Police Ed Cordie stated that upon the arrival of officers in response to a complaint regarding gunshots at a Kroger store on Wednesday, the suspect brandished a gun against them outside the establishment.

According to him, after exchanging gunfire, the suspect withdrew into the store, where they carried on the gunfight.

One 'BIG' Death Case - Gunfight at Cincinnati-area Grocery Store Wounds Suspect and Bystander (1)

Cordie continued, “The shot bystander and suspect were taken to a hospital and are expected to survive.” The police did not reveal who had shot the onlooker.

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While inside the store with her daughter, Latashia Sawyer told WCPO-TV that she heard bullets and that a staff member advised them to “run for your life.”

“People just started scattering and going about everywhere,” she recalled. “Then we heard more gunshots — I counted at least 20.”

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