Police Ohio WOMAN Fatally STABS 3-year-old Outside Grocery Store in 'Random Act of Violence

Police: Ohio WOMAN Fatally STABS 3-year-old Outside Grocery Store in ‘Random Act of Violence

Police claimed a lady with no prior history of violent crime stabbed and killed a 3-year-old boy outside an Ohio grocery store.

North Olmsted police reported that the attack on Monday afternoon was unprovoked and random.

According to Detective Sergeant Matthew Beck, the attacker is Bionca Ellis, 32, of Cleveland. According to the inquiry, Ellis obtained a kitchen knife from a Volunteers of America charity store at 3 p.m. She then walked to the Giant Eagle grocery store, where she met 38-year-old Margot Wood and her son Julian Wood from North Olmsted.

She allegedly pursued them outside the store, stabbing the youngster in the head and back and the mother in the shoulder.

Both victims received first aid from police before being brought to St. John Medical Center by ambulance. Julian Wood was pronounced dead in the hospital.

According to Beck, authorities were able to identify the guy as he walked toward Dover Center Road, clutching the kitchen knife. They detained her without incident. Ellis was arrested and charged with aggravated murder.

Beck stated that the mother and her child had no past interactions with Ellis and that there was no interaction before the attack.

“This was entirely a random act of violence,” he stated.

He also stated that the entire incident lasted barely around five seconds. A grocery cart was overturned, and various products were tossed onto the parking lot pavement, according to news pictures.

The mother is expected to recover from the non-life-threatening injuries she sustained.

The bond for Ellis was set at $1 million. Police said additional charges are expected to be filed if the case is submitted to a Cuyahoga County Grand Jury. Ellis had no prior history of violent crime, but she was arrested and convicted of stealing from a Walmart in Florida in May. North Olmsted Mayor Nicole Dailey Jones released a statement of condolences to the family.

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“As Mayor of North Olmsted and a mother myself, I cannot imagine what this family must be going through. “To lose their youngest child in such a violent and senseless way is heartbreaking,” she remarked.

“We are all terribly sorry for their loss and I ask everyone to keep them in thought and prayer,” Jones stated. “Our police department continues its ongoing investigation of the crime as we attempt to begin healing and moving forward.”

The same store was the site of a murder-suicide by a divorced couple less than a year before the attack.

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