Prepare for Major Traffic Congestion at MS-LA State Line Here's the Reason

Prepare for Major Traffic Congestion at MS-LA State Line: Here’s the Reason

DEBARYLIFE – This week, the Mississippi Department of Transportation warns Mississippi Coast residents traveling to Slidell, New Orleans, or Covington to anticipate significant traffic jams at the state line.

As MDOT workers work on repairs to the Pearl River Bridge, which connects Mississippi and Louisiana on Interstate 10, there will be alternating lane closures on Tuesday and Wednesday.

As workers finish up an inspection and roadwork, the lane closures will start on Tuesday at 7 a.m. and end on Wednesday at 3:30 p.m., according to MDOT.

Prepare for Major Traffic Congestion at MS-LA State Line Here's the Reason (1)

According to MDOT, traffic was back on Interstate 10 past Highway 607 and Waveland Exit 2 as of Tuesday am. Delays were expected to linger up to two hours.

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Accidents and traffic jams happen on the Pearl River Bridge frequently.

On some official websites, you may stay up to date with traffic updates in real time.

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