Race Day brings IndyCar to the Detroit Auto Show

Racing Day took place on Friday, showcasing the fast Indianapolis cars along with the glamour and glitz of the auto show.

    • Race Day was Friday at the Detroit Auto Show, introducing IndyCar muscle to the event.

    • Pro race car drivers gave rides to show-goers in the hybrid Corvett E-Ray.

    • Other hands-on experiences including getting to sit inside an actual IndyCar.

  • Race Day was Friday at the Detroit Auto Show, introducing IndyCar muscle to the event.

  • Pro race car drivers gave rides to show-goers in the hybrid Corvett E-Ray.

  • Other hands-on experiences including getting to sit inside an actual IndyCar.

DETROIT (FOX 2):For those who were willing, the Detroit Auto Show provided a small dose of adrenaline on Friday.

Racing Day took place on Friday, showcasing the fast Indianapolis cars along with the glamour and glitz of the auto show.

Attendees can participate in a few interactive activities, such as riding an obstacle course with a professional driver.

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A select few, however, had the opportunity to ride shotgun with a professional race car driver in the brand-new Corvette E-Ray hybrid pace cars on Friday.

The president of the Detroit Grand Prix, Michael Montri, stated, “We’ll have five drivers here today, they will be signing autographs.” “You can get in a car and ride around the Detroit Grand Prix race track here inside the Huntington Place Center, It will be an exciting day.”

All things IndyCar, a sport that is still expanding, were on display on Race Day.

“The access that you get in our series to all the drivers, I keep telling people it’s like going to a Lions game and walking into the locker room at halftime and talking to all the players.”

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FOX 2 is the new home of IndyCar racing, in case you missed Race Day or are simply an avid fan. You can watch every race, including the Detroit Grand Prix, on FOX from March through August.

The Source: Data was collected both at and from the Detroit Auto Show.

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