Sexy photos are irresistible to both men and women, study finds
According to a study, both men and women find sexy pictures alluring.
Sexual content-induced delay is the term used to describe the delayed decision-making abilities of both sexes when they are distracted by sexy images.
When asked to rate how sexy the photographs were, both men and women in the study provided identical responses, but the guys were more affected.
According to a test, women were more equally attracted to both sexes, while men were noticeably more distracted by a nude woman than a man.
When a distracting photo was displayed between two shapes on a computer screen, participants between the ages of 18 and 31 had to determine as fast as they could whether the shapes were the same or different.
It was either a neutral image or an erotic one, like a photo of a naked person or a couple having sex.
Reaction speeds were, on average, 39.4 milliseconds slower when distracted by the sex photo than when a neutral image was used.
Men were twice as affected, taking 53 ms longer than women, who took 26 ms.
It has been demonstrated that sexual stimuli automatically draw attention at the expense of processing other information, according to study author Professor Robert Snowden of Cardiff University.
According to a YouGov survey conducted in 2022, 15% of women and 51% of males acknowledged routinely viewing pornography.
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