Shared Gratitude! Heart Transplant Recipient And Donor's Family Unite In Thanks

“Shared Gratitude!” Heart Transplant Recipient And Donor’s Family Unite In Thanks

DEBARYLIFE – The gift of life is among the most precious things. Ashley Stewart, a Utah woman, is alive today because Raquel Colucci, an Arizona woman, sadly died while on a trip to Las Vegas.

Colucci was able to provide the gift of sight through eye donation, help heal up to 75 individuals through tissue donation, and save the lives of five people through organ donation because she was an organ donor.

Introducing Raquel Colucci

Colucci was vivacious, and her husband Gino recalls their enjoyable days spent together.

“We met at Chicago’s Foster Park when I was fifteen years old. Her voice sounded pleasant and crackly. Gino remarked, “She was shy, but when her personality showed through, it pulled me in.” “That was a trying moment when COVID struck. It was an eerie moment. However, looking back, our family benefited from it since we spent a lot of quality time together.”

Gino mentioned that Raquel got a promotion recently, so they agreed to travel to Las Vegas in March 2022 to celebrate.

“We never scheduled our vacations. We did whatever felt good. Everything was operating smoothly. We enjoyed a fantastic few days in Vegas,” Gino remarked. “Instead of heading to Fremont Street, we chose to grab breakfast and take a tour of the hotel. In the Sahara, we were.”

Shared Gratitude! Heart Transplant Recipient And Donor's Family Unite In Thanks (1)

Gino mentioned that something didn’t feel quite right.

Our relationship was never one of saying “I love you” every day or every time we spoke. We meant it when we said it, “Gino remarked. It simply seemed like that moment, for whatever reason. We were strolling back to the hotel holding hands, relaxed and in vacation mode. We conveyed our appreciation for our current status as a couple. After 24 years together and a purely impulsive vacation to Vegas to celebrate a promotion, we are still incredibly in love.”

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That’s when everything started to go south.

“She began complaining of a headache, which quickly became severe. She claimed that this was the worst headache she had ever experienced. existence. We made a 911 call. It was very awful,” Gino added. “Just being alone with her in the ER, in another state, it was the worst experience I’ve ever had in my life.”

Raquel suffered from an uncurable cerebral aneurysm.

“There were interventions that could have been done but too much time had passed before they realized what was going on,” stated Gino. “That aneurysm was so deep inside her brain, there was nothing that could be done.”

Many family members were able to attend in time for the farewell, according to Gino, and they were aware that Raquel would have wanted them to give her organs.

“She’s the most selfless person you would ever meet so we knew it was in her heart to do so,” added Gino. That was, in my opinion, the best choice we’ve ever made. A sort of closure was provided by the Honour Walk organized by the Nevada Donor Network. Walking those hallways with her as everyone was in queue paying their respects was incredibly difficult. Knowing what she was doing and the impact she was having, it was kind of lovely.”

Shared Gratitude! Heart Transplant Recipient And Donor's Family Unite In Thanks (2)

Ashley Stewart was one of the recipients of Raquel’s organs; she got her heart.

Become acquainted with Ashley Stewart

For most of her life, Stewart was in good health, but she claims to recall the time when something didn’t feel right.

“It was over lunch with a buddy that I realized I was having trouble eating and that I was unable to go back to the car. I was aware that there was a problem with me, but I was unsure of what.

I waited till later that night and saw my swollen ankles when I looked down. I decided to visit the hospital after researching it on Google,” Stewart remarked. “I was having a little heart attack, they informed me. I was diagnosed with cardiac myopathy and heart failure at that time.”

Stewart claimed she was shocked by the news that she was just 26 years old.

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“I was refusing to believe. That is not conceivable in any manner. I had a clean meal. I worked out every day. I never skipped taking my medication. I was feeling good.

She developed COVID a few years later, which resulted in more health problems.

“I had never had a blood clot before, but I eventually developed one in my heart. My heart was overflowing with blood above one of the valves. I was placed on blood thinners, and I believe it was the main factor in my rapid fall,” Stewart remarked. “That is when I decided that I needed to start thinking about being listed.”

Doctors had to change Stewart’s pharmaceutical regimen for him to be placed on the transplant list.

“The dose that I was on was too low so the blood clot that was in my heart broke off and went to my brain and I had a stroke,” Stewart explained. I spent a night in the hospital as a result of that. I was unable to depart. I was too ill. They expeditiously placed me on the transplant waiting list. I was given my heart in two days, and I was a status two, which is rather high.”

Stewart claimed to be scared and to have prepared arrangements in case she was unable to attend.

“I had a spreadsheet, I have it on my computer, of all the things just in case like passwords and things like that,” Stewart explained.

“I always worried that I would not make it, but I guess I came to terms with it and was content with it. I just reasoned that even if I wake up here, I still have work to do and my journey isn’t over. However, if I awaken in heaven, I will have fulfilled my obligations.”

Paying Tribute To Raquel

Stewart wrote a note of appreciation to Raquel’s family, expressing his thanks for her kindness.

“I thought I’d probably never hear from them because it’s not often that donor recipients and families get to meet or talk,” Stewart stated. “I sent them a letter, not anticipating a response. Melody, Raquel’s daughter, wrote me a note letting me know how wonderful it was to hear from me, how nice it was to know that I was doing alright, and a few other things about Raquel.”

Watch as Melody Colucci reads the letter from Ashley Stewart.

Melody Colucci reads the letter from Ashley Stewart.
“It was an amazing letter,” stated Gino. I even recorded myself reading it since I knew it would be touching. It was flawless beyond belief. Her heart could not have gone to a more ideal person, in my opinion.”

According to Gino, Raquel was ecstatic to receive a Christmas card from Ashley that had information about her child because she adored dogs and infants.

The gender of [our baby] was unexpected, which we found to be rather thrilling. I was in the shower thinking about two or three days before my daughter was born,” Stewart recalled. “Jane Raquel, that notion kept crossing my mind. I couldn’t stop thinking how wonderful it would be to have a daughter and name her Jane Raquel in honor of the woman who gave me such a wonderful gift.”

Stewart said that it would be hard for them all to meet Gino and Melody, but they still wanted to.

It was a really difficult day for me when I found out that my donor family had written a letter to me and wanted to meet me. Just knowing that someone had died, a genuine person with a name and a family. That made it seem more real to me, even though I already knew that,” Stewart remarked.

Though it’s difficult for me to consider, I’m appreciative. Although I’m unhappy that her mother, his wife, is no longer with us, I’m anxious that they will see me alive and well. I’m also eager to get to know them and find out more about Raquel.”

It was during their first meeting in Salt Lake City last month that Gino and Melody heard Raquel’s heart pounding in Stewart’s chest.

Watch: Ashley Stewart’s heartbeat is audible to the Colucci family.

Ashley Stewart can hear Raquel’s heartbeat in the chest of the Colucci family.
Gino added that Raquel was smiling and looked down at this memorable moment.

“It came together with such ease. This was her intention. It’s unfortunate because, although she had grander plans for herself, she had the greatest mother and the most adorable elderly woman you’ve ever seen,” Gino remarked.

After his encounter with Stewart, Gino expressed his hope that he would meet more persons that Raquel had rescued.

“When we found out that everybody is successful and everybody’s doing well, it sent shivers throughout my core,” remarked Gino. “We heard back from the lung recipient as well and can’t wait to meet them too.”

Click here to visit the Nevada Donor Network website and learn more about being an organ donor.

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