Stay Ready, Mississippi! Governor Reeves Declares Hurricane Preparedness Week

Stay Ready, Mississippi! Governor Reeves Declares Hurricane Preparedness Week

The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency released a news release stating that Gov. Tate Reeves proclaimed May 5–May 11, 2024, to be Hurricane Preparedness Week in the State of Mississippi.

To be ready for the Atlantic Hurricane Season of 2024, MEMA advises citizens. With 20 named storms last year, the Atlantic basin ranked fourth for the largest named storm total since 1950. Seven of those storms turned into hurricanes, and three of them strengthened into powerful hurricanes.

Seven hurricanes, three major hurricanes, and fourteen named storms are typical for a season, according to the National Weather Service.

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Governor Tate Reeves stated, “Over the last few years, our state has faced numerous natural disasters, including hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods.”

“Having a plan in place before severe weather is crucial. It may have an impact on how protected you and your family are. I hope Mississippians will be inspired to take the required precautions and become more aware of the impending storm season by storm Preparedness Week.

Stay Ready, Mississippi! Governor Reeves Declares Hurricane Preparedness Week (1)

According to Stephen McCraney, Executive Director of MEMA, “Don’t wait for a tropical storm or hurricane to move into the Gulf of Mexico to prepare.”

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“The first 72 hours of a hurricane are on you, even while the state is ready to respond. This implies that you need to provide food and water for your entire family for at least 72 hours. Now is the perfect moment to get your family and yourself storm-ready.

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A disaster supply kit should be kept fully supplied with non-perishable food, water, flashlights, batteries, and other essentials in every Mississippi home. In addition to purchasing flood insurance, if a residence is located in a designated flood hazard zone, MEMA advises residents to verify their policies prior to hurricane season.

Every day during Hurricane Preparedness Week, MEMA will share important information, data, and preparedness tips on social media.

Topics on Hurricanes:

• Assess Your Risk: Wind & Water

• Get ready before hurricane season

• Comprehend Forecast Data

• If a storm is approaching, move quickly.

• Take Precautions During Storms

• Proceed With Care After Storms

• Act Right Now

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