Summer Construction Alert! Road Closures and Detours in the Heart of the Valley

Summer Construction Alert! Road Closures and Detours in the Heart of the Valley

Wisconsin summers return back the orange cones and road closures.

The Heart of the Valley is well into its road construction season, with repaving and utility upgrades ongoing, but fortunately, local travelers will not encounter many construction cones on city and village roads.

While the Interstate 41 extension project is underway, vehicles will have to use local routes to avoid occasional lane and ramp closures on the motorway. To help you avoid delays, here’s a glimpse at where roads and bridges are being built this summer in the Heart of the Valley.

Utility and Paving Work on Evergreen Drive in Little Chute

Utility and pavement improvements will take place on Evergreen Drive between Holland Road and Vandenbroek Road.

The rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and water mains began last month. Pavement installation is planned to begin in July, and the project will be completed by October.

Crews will also build a shared-use trail along the north side of the road, which will connect to the existing trail east of Vandenbroek Road and will eventually connect to Appleton’s Apple Creek Trail.

The route will be closed to through traffic for the duration of the project, but will remain open for local traffic.

Upgrades are Coming to Welhouse Drive and Curtin Avenue in Kimberly

On Welhouse Drive and Curtin Avenue in Kimberly, water, storm sewer, and sanitary sewer mains are being replaced, as is the entire road.

Utility work began in April and will conclude in July. Street and pavement reconstruction will then commence and continue until the beginning of September.

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Kankapot Creek Bridge in Buchanan is Being Replaced

The bridge across Kankapot Creek on Outagamie County KK in Buchanan is expected to be replaced this summer.

The construction start date has not been set, but the project is projected to take three to four months to complete. The road will be closed to traffic while the bridge is replaced.

Rose Hill Road Flyover is Closed for the Summer

The Rose Hill Road Interstate 41 flyover in Little Chute will be blocked until mid-September as construction teams demolish and replace it. Construction workers are demolishing and replacing the flyover as part of the I-41 expansion project.

Rose Hill Road will be blocked from Fairlane Drive to Evergreen Drive for the length of the project.

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