Understanding The Reality Of Common Law Marriage In Ohio, What You Need To Know 'NOW'

Understanding The Reality Of Common Law Marriage In Ohio, What You Need To Know ‘NOW’

DEBARYLIFE – When thinking about marriage, there are many things to consider, including finances, location, custody agreements, lifestyle, religious beliefs, etc.

The cost of the wedding alone is outrageous! According to the well-known wedding and registration website Zola, the average cost of a wedding in the United States in 2023 will be $29,000.

Ohio has somewhat lower average wedding costs—couples there will spend $24,157 on average in 2023.

For whatever reason, what legal protections, if any, are available to you if you decide to just live with your significant other?

Common Law Marriage: What Is It?

The majority of Americans think that you are legally married if you cohabitate for a significant amount of time and have multiple facets of your life together, such as having children or shared property.

It’s a popular fallacy that couples can get recognition for their common-law marriage in most states; in reality, Ohio is not one of the fifteen states that allow it!

Understanding The Reality Of Common Law Marriage In Ohio, What You Need To Know 'NOW' (1)

The Ohio Bar Association claims that since 1991, Ohio has not recognized common-law marriages.

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Common law weddings were legal in Ohio up until October 1991, when the courts set requirements for what made a common law marriage enforceable. Those who want their marriage to be recognized by the state have had to get a marriage certificate since October 1991.

Suppose You Were “Married” Before 1991?

Naturally, Ohio accepts all common law unions that were lawfully recognized in another state under the rules of that previous state, as well as any common law marriages that were consummated before 1991.

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Are You Married Under Common Law And Why Marry Under Common Law?

What would make somebody ever desire to be married under common law as opposed to the actual deal, with all the hoops to jump through?

Benefits of common law marriage, according to Texas’s Youngberg Law Firm, may include:

  1. Official acknowledgment of your partnership
  2. Powers of attorney for medical choices
  3. Property split rights
  4. Inheritance rights and prospective alimony should the couple separate

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