Arson Strikes Oakland Sideshows Vehicles Torched in Night of Chaos

Arson Strikes Oakland Sideshows: Vehicles Torched in Night of Chaos

DEBARYLIFE – At various sideshows throughout the city on Saturday night, cars were set on fire, and Oakland police were observed making multiple arrests.

At least three cars were seen burning in footage from some of the incidents. A young man sprang onto an automobile’s roof in one scene while flames spiraled out of control behind him.

A video reveals that there were sideshows at 40th and Broadway, as well as under the I-880 highway at Castro and 7th Street, where police dispersed the crowd in 25 minutes and 10 minutes, respectively, after the events started about midnight and continued until nine in the morning on Sunday.

Other side shows at Mandela and 7th, Excelsior and MacArthur Boulevard, Claremont and 62nd Street, attracted viewers and saw vehicles driving in shrill circles while lighting off pyrotechnics.

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Drivers were observed near Foothill and Hill Street at approximately 3:30 in the morning. A large number of autos and onlookers congested the intersection. When the police arrived at 4:40 a.m., they closed High and Foothill streets in all directions, preventing cars from exiting.

Arson Strikes Oakland Sideshows Vehicles Torched in Night of Chaos (1)

The video reveals that some participants attempted to drive down a small lane in an attempt to flee, but police apprehended them and handcuffed a few of them. Before fleeing the scene, the driver of a white Infiniti once crashed his vehicle into patrol cruisers.

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The driver is seen on camera turning back to face the police, which prompted them to shoot a projectile at the automobile.

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Although they were overheard at some of the sites suggesting they would release the spectators after citing them for engaging in sideshow behavior, Oakland police have not directly replied to KTVU’s request for information about what transpired.

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