EARTHQUAKE ALERT! 3.8 Magnitude Tremor Felt Across West Tennessee, East Arkansas, and Western Kentucky!

EARTHQUAKE ALERT! 3.8 Magnitude Tremor Felt Across West Tennessee, East Arkansas, and Western Kentucky!

NEW YORK, Tenn.-  On May 16, there was an earthquake that people in West Tennessee, East Arkansas, and western Kentucky could feel. A small earthquake happened just after 3 a.m. on May 16.

The earthquake was measured to be 3.8 on the Richter scale. A research associate at the University of Memphis named Nathan Moran said that some people in Lake County said the earthquake felt like an 18-wheeler going by.

“Every year there are more than 200 small earthquakes, and about three of them are big enough to be felt in the area.” “Usually in the Reelfoot Lake Area, but this one was a bit bigger and was felt all over the area,” Moran said.

The fault line that is closest to us is at Reelfoot Lake. Moran says that we can still feel earthquakes from that area, even though we are not on the fault itself.

“‘What will happen if I’m outside when there’s an earthquake?'” Nothing at all, because buildings, not being outside, are what hurt people in earthquakes. Moran said.

Moran talked about what you can do to get ready in case your area has an earthquake.

“Earthquakes are like any other natural disasters that you know how to prepare for, like bad weather, power outages, and so on.” Earthquakes are another thing that happens naturally. “The only difference is that you don’t get warnings like you do for weather,” Moran said.

According to Thomas Pratt, a Research Geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey, you should make sure that nothing in your home falls on top of you.

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“Make sure that big things are bolted to the wall as one thing to do.” Bolt things like bookcases and other shelves to the wall. Since most people get hurt when things fall on them, Pratt said, “Make sure nothing can fall on top of you if your house starts shaking.”

Pratt said that damage from an earthquake usually doesn’t happen until it’s between 4.5 and 5 magnitudes.

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