Governor Assures Protection of Fundamental Rights in Proposed Constitution

Governor Assures Protection of Fundamental Rights in Proposed Constitution

The Argument over the Constitution is not about whether it needs to be changed, but rather about how it will be restructured. What gets taken out, what stays in, and who makes the decisions?

If lawmakers can adopt a revised state constitution, the new version will be placed on the ballot for you to vote on in November, which coincides with the presidential election. And polling reveals that those elections draw the great majority of voters. This is why the governor claims that delaying another year will result in lower public approval.

“And then, if we pass it, my friends in the media will say, ‘Well, this isn’t right, only 20% of Louisians would have made a decision for everyone,'” Governor Landry told reporters on Thursday.

Landry’s campaign focused mostly on crime reduction, but he also promised considerable tax reform. And before the state enters a budget session next year, he’d like to see that pledge fulfilled to avoid cuts in the only two areas where they can be made: education and healthcare. “And think about those two issues: healthcare and education. The Governor went on to list two areas where the state ranks dead bottom.

Even though you, the voter will have the last say on whether this new constitution becomes official at the ballot box. There are still many who want to see more public input before it goes on the ballot.

“We want to rush a constitutional convention down the throats of the people of Louisiana without their input when you yourself said you’ve been working on it since 2009 and we want to do it in what 5 weeks?” said State Rep. C. Denise Marcelle (D-Baton Rouge) during a committee meeting on Wednesday.

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“The big bucks they paying us don’t cover what I’m doing now, so it’s damn sure not gonna cover the extra work that we’re about to put on each other,” remarked Rep. Candace Newell in the same committee. An amendment was passed to ensure that nothing in Article 1 may be altered during the convention. This is where all of our fundamental rights are safeguarded. Governor Landry’s comments should put everyone at ease.

“We are not going after your weapons, your pro-life beliefs, your right to vote, or any of that. That has already been guarded; it has been walled off,” the governor stated.

To hold a convention, lawmakers must first vote in favor of it. If they say yes, it will start late next month.

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