Trump Ahead by 6 Points in Crucial Battleground States, Survey Finds

Trump Ahead by 6 Points in Crucial Battleground States, Survey Finds

DEBARYLIFE – According to a poll released on Wednesday, former President Trump leads President Biden by six points in crucial battleground states that will probably decide the outcome of November’s election.

According to the Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll, Trump received 49 percent of the vote in the swing states compared to 43 percent for Biden. Six out of seven states—Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada, North Carolina, Georgia, and Arizona—were led by the former president. According to the poll, Biden led by two points in Michigan.

The margins were similarly close in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. According to the poll, the incumbent’s lead was larger in Nevada, North Carolina, Georgia, and Arizona.

The economy, which will be the main voting topic in the next cycle, caused respondents to voice concerns.

According to the poll, only 18% of respondents thought inflation was improving, while 55% believed it was becoming worse. Only slightly better news was found when it came to the employment rate, with 23% of respondents indicating that it is improving.

Trump Ahead by 6 Points in Crucial Battleground States, Survey Finds (1)

The study indicated that 36% of respondents thought the employment rate was improving, while 32% thought it was staying the same.

Respondents have highlighted the significance of abortion in the current election, a topic that the Biden campaign has emphasized during the campaign.

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When choosing who to vote for in November, almost half of them—52 percent—also mentioned abortion as a “very important” topic. A little under 25% of respondents indicated that it played a “somewhat important” role in their choice.

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In addition, respondents indicated that they have more faith in Biden than in Trump to maintain government initiatives like Medicare and Social Security. Compared to Trump’s 39%, approximately 45% of respondents stated they trusted the president to keep the programs in place.

4,969 registered voters in seven battleground states participated in the Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll, which was conducted between April 8 and 15. There is a one percentage point margin of error.

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