Trend Alert Kansas City Residents Opting For New Builds In Home Purchases

Trend Alert: Kansas City Residents Opting For New Builds In Home Purchases

DEBARYLIFE – Some prospective homebuyers are considering houses they hadn’t previously considered—new builds—in an era of stable mortgage rates, which hover around 7%, and little housing inventory nationwide.

Kristy Kenney exclaimed outside her future house, “It’s awesome.” I adored several of the ones I looked at. For a brand-new house, they weren’t all that horrible of a price.

In March, new home sales increased by over 8% while existing home sales decreased by over 4%, according to the U.S. Census Bureau and Department of Housing and Urban Development’s monthly report.

The goal, according to Ashlar Homes President Shawn Woods, is to provide homebuyers with a more affordable alternative to begin their ownership journey.

The starting price of Ashlar’s homes in Kenney’s neighborhood is $289,000.

Trend Alert Kansas City Residents Opting For New Builds In Home Purchases (1)

“Building something people can afford to buy a house in is one of the best things in a community,” Woods stated. “Once they have a house, they invest in the community.”

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Woods stated that by providing buyers with a limited selection of prefabricated choices, builders may minimize expenses. Municipal rules represent one of the largest costs.

“You have to work with cities and municipalities who want homes of this size, and you have to value engineer over and over and over again,” Woods stated. Oftentimes, communities desire greater and bigger things, but they fail to recognize that the housing system provides just that.

It is an arrangement. Thus, it is necessary to offer more affordable items so that customers will upgrade to the more expensive ones.

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Ashlar Homes is a participant in the yearly Parade of Homes, which runs through May 12.

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