Trump’s Bronx Rally Sends Anti-Racist Signal to Swing State Voters, Says MSNBC Analyst

Trump’s Bronx Rally Sends Anti-Racist Signal to Swing State Voters, Says MSNBC Analyst

DEBARYLIFE – Charles Blow, a political analyst for MSNBC, asserted that Donald Trump’s event in the Bronx on Thursday was a “signal” to white voters in swing states rather than having anything to do with the Bronx.

On Thursday night, Blow spoke with Joy Reid about her response to Trump’s unexpected campaign appearance. Before Trump’s campaign rally ever took place, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and other Democrats attacked it, pointing out that the Bronx leans heavily Democratic.

Why would Donald Trump travel to the Bronx to confront Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping, and [Vladimir] Putin in a situation he will never win? Reid questioned Blow, “He doesn’t like Black and Latino people, who are prevalent in the Bronx.”

Trump’s Bronx Rally Sends Anti-Racist Signal to Swing State Voters, Says MSNBC Analyst (1)

Blow contended that the purpose of the campaign visit was to refute claims made by people in other states that Trump is a racist.

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“That audience is not the Bronx, but he’s not going to win New York or the Bronx,” Blow remarked. “Everyone else in states where he might win is his audience, and what he’s trying to do—and there’s no downside for him to do this, by the way—is signal to other people, signal to white voters in swing states who don’t want to be perceived as supporting a racist.”

Speaking in a district where a large number of people of color reside, Blow continued, would persuade some to conclude, “Maybe he’s not as racist as they say.”

“This is unrelated to New York,” he declared. “The Bronx has nothing to do with this.”

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