Justice is in Session! Accused Drunk Driver Confronts Plea Hearing for FFA Crash

Justice is in Session! Accused Drunk Driver Confronts Plea Hearing for FFA Crash

A plea hearing has been scheduled for the lady who is accused of crashing into a bus that was carrying individuals from the Baker FFA, including kids and teachers.

On June 3, Katrina Nicole Dacus, who is 34 years old and is from Culver, is scheduled to enter a plea. A total of twenty-six Class A misdemeanors have been brought against her, including eight charges of assault in the fourth degree, fifteen counts of recklessly endangering another person, and single instances of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, reckless driving, and criminal mischief in the second degree combined.

On Friday, March 22, she is suspected of running a stop sign in Redmond and colliding with the side of a small school bus that was carrying fourteen kids from Baker County Future Farmers of America. These students were in town for the state fair for the FFA.

Almost twice as much as the legal limit.08 percent, the charging document asserts that Dacus was operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol level that was measured to be at least.15 percent.

She was ordered to be placed on an alcohol electronic monitoring device and to refrain from consuming alcohol, frequenting bars, or having any contact with a number of individuals, including the school bus driver. The bail for Dacus was set at $10,000 by a Deschutes County Circuit Judge during her arraignment in April. In exchange for her release, she was required to post $1,000.

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