Maine Man Receives 15-month Sentence for January 6 Capitol Attack!

Maine Man Receives 15-month Sentence for January 6 Capitol Attack!

A Waldoboro man was sentenced to prison today after pleading guilty to attacking law police during the breach of the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Matthew Brackley, 40, was sentenced to 15 months in prison, 24 months on supervised release, and $3,000 in penalties and restitution. Brackley, who ran for Maine Senate in 2022, earlier pled guilty to one count of assaulting, resisting, or impeding police officials in January 2024.

According to court filings, Brackley arrived at the Capitol building after attending the Stop the Steal event on the National Mall.

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When Brackley arrived at 1:40 p.m., a sizable crowd had already formed. According to court documents, protesters climbed scaffolding set up to create the inaugural stage and tore off a tarp covering it.

According to the Justice Department, this improved access to the building’s stairs for people such as Brackley.

Brackley entered the Capitol at 2:23 p.m. and proceeded to the Crypt, where officials said a large crowd pressed against US Capitol Police officers. The Department of Justice claims that cops were overpowered by rioters and were able to gain additional entry inside.

According to police, Brackley was one of several people who entered a hallway behind the Crypt and were halted again by officers.

That throng pushed past and made it inside the Rotunda. According to court documents, Brackley entered the Senate Chamber but was stopped by additional cops.

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According to a Justice Department announcement, two of these police urged Brackley to ‘back up,’ and one officer gave him a little nudge backward. Brackley, on the other hand, refused to back down and inquired where Pelosi’s office was, as others shouted obscenities behind him.

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After a brief conversation, the Mainer would raise his elbows and push his way past the officers. According to documents, he led the mob toward the Senate Chamber.

A fourth, larger contingent of officers in riot gear halted the mob as it approached the chamber. According to papers, the crowd pushed back, resulting in a halt.

Brackley is reported to have been among those hurling expletives at members of Congress and chanting “USA.” Chemical spray was employed to disperse the crowd, forcing the group, including Brackley, to retreat.

Officials said Brackley exited through the South Door at 3:05 p.m. He was arrested on July 21, 2023.

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